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HQ Pro-Stitcher - HQ Sixteen or Avante INCLUDES ART & STITCH

The Pro-Stitcher® quilting system integrates Handi Quilter’s world-class quilting machines with the latest computer technology to help you finish more quilts. This is the stand-alone product; for packages that include machines, please check the machine pages in the shop.

The Pro-Stitcher® quilting system integrates Handi Quilter’s world-class quilting machines with the latest computer technology to help you finish more quilts. Pro-Stitcher guides the machine to quilt any design you want to use, create, or customize. It works with all Handi Quilter stitch-regulated quilting machines: HQ Sixteen, HQ Simply Sixteen, HQ Avanté, HQ Forte, HQ Fusion, and HQ Infinity. Expand your quilting possibilities with this easy-to-learn, easy-to-use, computerized system and have fun finishing more quilts!

Optional Art & Stitch software is available. If purchased, you will receive two usage licenses for the companion Art & Stitch software which is pre-installed on your system. For the software to have full functionality, it must be registered with the

Using integrated HQ technology, Pro-Stitcher offers the best of both worlds: computerized quilting and free-motion quilting in the same package!

Learn more at the Pro-Stitcher website!

Dimensions 36 × 16 × 11 in
Which machine do you own?

HQ Sixteen, HQ Simply Sixteen or HQ Avanté, HQ Amara, HQ Avanté, HQ Forte, HQ Fusion, HQ Infinity

Include Art & Stitch?

Yes, include Art & Stitch, No, do not include Art & Stitch